Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Saturday, October 2, 2010


Ahh. It's October already...

Lance turned 25 this past week and Maggie turned 3. Time is flying.
October means that the next month is NOVEMBER which means boards. I really am going to crack down and REALLY study instead of just reading my review book. October is also the month I decided to apply for jobs. Wish me luck!

Our group finished and turned in our masters project and I am so excited to be DONE with that. We only have a presentation at the end of the month.

We have been attending all the home Aggie football games and let me just lett you that it is going to be a LOOOOONG season. We missed the first game because we flew to Las Cruces last minute to see Lance's grandma. We were very glad we saw her that week because she passed away only a short week later. We were glad we got to see her one more time. We brought Maggie with us and she just loved on grandma. It was too sweet.

I made a Halloween wreath and have it hanging on our front door. I think it looks pretty cute. We will get LOTS of trick-or-treaters this year and I am kinda excited about that.

I'll try to update more, but who knows if I really will. I use my iphone instead of a computer these days!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer 2010

Since rotations have been over I have been able to slow down and somewhat enjoy my summer. Lance has been flying back and forth to New Jersey probably 5-6 times this summer. I am waiting the day that I get to go with him. I would love to go tour New York.

My mom and sister came in to visit me, Lance, and my other sister that has been staying with us all summer for her internship. We went to the downtown aquarium, the mueseum of natural scence, and NASA. Of course not everything went off without a hitch. I want to the ER for lower right quardrant abdominal pain. Thank goodness it wasn't appendicitis, but I did have a 4 cm cyst on my right ovary. Everything is fine, I just need to get a follow up ultrasound in about a month now. We were going to take Lance to the airport at 4:00 that day, but I was still in the ER at that time so he didn't go to New Jersey that trip. Also my mom's car was leaking transmission fluid so she had to get that fixed. We still had lots of fun and ate lots of good food including the Cheesecake Factory. yummm

We went to Longview a couple of weeks ago and got to go to the balloon glow and saw Kevin Fowler. It was a lot of fun and it was much more crowded since the last time I went to the balloon glow. I think I went 7-8 years ago. It is hard to believe it was really that long ago!

My group and I are trying to finish our research. We are SO over it! I just want to get it done. We are actually going out on a saturday to try and get more surveys filled out.

That's about it. I'll try and do better about updating. Since I got my iphone, I hardly get on my laptop. I just use the iphone and I haven't figured out how to update from there.


Friday, July 2, 2010


I am taking this space up on my blog to remind everyone to wear their sunscreen. I know 2 girls under the age of 25 who have been diagnosed with melanoma. This makes me more aware of my moles and my skin. When looking for sunscreen, look for spf 30 and higher. My new favorite sunscreen is this tropical smelling Hawaiian tropic spf 50 sunscreen. It goes on clear and smells great.
Be sure to reapply every couple of hours. After your time in the sun, use this great smelling after sun lotion. It is very creamy and smells tropical.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


haven't updated in a while!
I have officially finished my clinical rotations!!! WOO HOO! I was so excited the second I finished that last final. Now I am to work on a resume and finish my research. Next on the plate is taking my boards, finding a job and graduating in December.

With all this time on my hands, I (and Lance) have started the South Beach Diet. We eat 2 whole cups of veggies with lunch and dinner. We eat 1/4c of veggies with breakfast. The only thing I have figured out for breakfast is eggbeaters with sauted bell peppers and onion. Kind of getting sick of the same breakfast everyday. We have been on it a week and a half and have not had any sugar, bread, pasta, potatoes, fruit, etc. Just lean protein, veggies, and sugar free popsicles! LOL we eat a little more variety than that, but not much.

Lance goes to New Jersey again next week. I am hoping to join his sometime this summer on one of his trips. I REALLY want to join him sometime in November or December so we can go to New York during Christmas time. I think that would be so neat. With all the traveling Lance does he has enough mile to fly me to New York and right now only enough hotel points to stay like one extra night in New York. The hotels there are so expensive!

For Independence Day we will be in Longview. We have plans to go to Fiesta Texas for a weekend. Since Lance controls our weekens in the fall (fighting Texas Aggie football) I decided that I should pick something I wanted to do during the summer.

Until next time.

Monday, May 10, 2010

wow May!

I am sorry for my lack of updates. We have been BUSY! We left our one bedroom apartment and moved into a 3 bedroom townhouse! We couldn't be more excited! We have only been home one weekend since moving in so there is still lots of stuff that need to be put away. Maggie loves her new backyard! She will stay outside for hours bathing in the sun. She also loves taking walks around our new neighborhood. I enjoy this too. There is a water retention pond with a fountain in the neigborhood that has a trail you can walk around. I bought Rebok Easy Tones with my birthday money and have been getting quite a bit of use out of them.

I finished up my general surgery rotation with the TDC. That was definately an experience. Between getting patted down every day, one of the prisoners trying to steal my pen, a screaming surgeon that throws things (yes, even a scalpal) I survived! I actually thrived. I was with 2 other med students and the surgeon called me the star student more than once. He kicked one med student out of the OR because he didn't get the answer to a question right, and when he asked me and I knew, he told me I needed to scrub in and the other student needed to spend time at the library. On the last day he told me I did a great job and if I ever needed a reference he would be glad to write me a letter. I was thinking in my head that I would NEVER get a letter from an irratic screaming surgeon; who know what he would write. Anyway, I am glad I don't have to see 4 in the morning in a while.

My current rotation is in College Station ER. It has been fun. I worked all weekend, so today is like my friday. Lance will be going to a resort for work and I get to tag along!! I don't care if I will be bored all day. I will be happy to be doing nothing but sitting by the pool!

In other news, it will be our 2nd Wedding Anniversary on the 17th! I cannot believe how time flies! I am excited about the things to come in the next year of marriage because I will be graduating and getting a job. Maybe we will finally get to spend our weekends together!

Maybe I will get some pictures of the townhouse on here as soon as things get put away and I take pictures!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I guess since it seems that I only update once a month I will title this post March. Last month I was in Anahuac doing a family practice rotation. I really enjoyed it because I worked in the clinic Monday-Friday but also was on call for the ER Monday and Wednesday night. I got to do a whole lot and had lots of experiences in that month. My next rotation is my last family practice rotation in LaPorte, which is very close to home!
Lance is currently snowboarding in Colorado! He is working very hard on a project in Denver and took a day off to enjoy being in Colorado. He will be home on Wednesday, then Saturday he is flying out to Las Cruces to visit his grandmother. I am unsure of my schedule yet so I haven't gotten plane tickets or anything. Maybe I will be able to go.

I can't believe I have only 4 more months of rotations. I am scared at how soon Lance and I will have to figure out where we are moving to and pack up to move to a new location. Uncertainty always mkes me nervous. Last time I was this nervous was when I was waiting for interviews for PA school and Lance bought me Maggie! She has been such a comfort. We both love her a little too much!

I guess that is all for now. Hopefully we will make it to the Houston Rodeo this year! I loved going last year.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bad Blogger

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I have been in Tyler doing a rotation in internal medicine. I loved it! Igot to do quite a bit of procedures and felt I did really well on the rotation. I don't feel SO clueles all the time! haha!

Last night Lance and I had a date night and went to Chabucas. It is a brazilian place. It was so good. They had a man playing the piano and amazing food and drinks. It was a much needed time spent together. Today we just plan to get groceries, start doing taxes, and run some errands. Our only plans for the super bowl are just to hang out at home.

I have a product rave to do. I wanted to whiten my teeth, but I feel that the crest white strips and andy other strips are a pain. You have to keep them on for 30 minutes, and then I always have to brush my teeth afterwards. I found this product at Sephora. You just put it on your teeth twice a day. You don't have to brush your teeth afterwards and it freshens you breath too! The packaging says to wait to appy 1 hour after brushin your teeth and don't apply 30 minutes before or after eating. So I just kept this little pen in my purse and whitened my teeth whenever I remembered, or whenever I wanted fresher breath. So here it is:

BriteSmile To Go Accelerator pen

Sunday, January 10, 2010

back to the grind

I am about to head out to leave to Longview. I will be there about a month. My rotation is in Tyler so I will be driving there everyday. It is actually less distance and time than any of my Houston rotations! Lance is keeping Maggie this first week and then visiting me in Longview for the weekend. The next week he is heading to New Jersey for some meetings. I think this rotation will go by faster than my other one and I really think I will enjoy it. I spoke to the PA on the phone the other day and it just seems like this will be a great rotation.
Sorry I haven't even updated about Christmas or anything. I was having too much fun enjoing myself on vacation. We had a wonderful Christmas spent with family in Longview. The weekend before Christmas we were in El Paso spending time with Lance's grandma. We did not do anything for New Years and if you know me you know that I did not make it until midnight!
Oh, and I am loving my Wii fit. I get on it everyday and I enjoy the Biggest Loser game. IT really helps out because it is SO cold outside right now!
adios for now!